Dental Implants

Oral well being plays a very significant role in maintaining the lifestyle and well-being of an individual. And there are so many methods to maintain and improve your Dental hygiene . As the most trusted clinic for dental implant in Ahmedabad, Agarwal Dentists at Shahibaug make sure to support you from consultation to after procedure precautions. We take care of the right prescription and advice to follow after implantation.

We return your true smile in the shortest possible time without damaging your original teeth with utmost care and expertise. The modern and up-to-date techniques and extensive knowledge related to dental implant, we restore the functionality and aesthetics of the natural teeth. It is composed of highly biocompatible titanium metal. An artificial tooth root is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement crown in place. It functions exactly as similar to your original tooth.


A dental implant can be better than traditional Bridge work, if you are missing one tooth. In Bridge work, the dentist to cut down both neighbouring healthy teeth for support. In dental implant only the missing tooth is replaced, preserving bone and keeping the neighbouring teeth healthy.