16 Jun

Even with constant looking after children, they are prone to catch accidents and health problems all the time. As a child dental care in Ahmedabad, we have children facing dental health problems, ranging from prolonged thumb sucking to childhood tooth decay to bad breaths to loss of teeth.

On the fair side, teaching children the right way to care about their teeth will save you and your children from a lot of dental issues in the future. Following are the most common dental issues tips for children suggested by our pediatric dentists in Ahmedabad:

1. Start good oral habits early:

Incorporating brushing teeth twice a day is the first step. We tend to overlook nightly brushing but it's essential to remove any food stuck before heading to bed. Flossing and cleaning the tongue is the second part of complete oral cleaning. These habits, taught with care in childhood, will result in healthy dental care throughout life.
2. Fluoride toothpaste from the start:

The ideal age to start brushing with fluoride is at age 3. It will come across as a surprise the fact that tooth decay in kids is epidemic these days, and it interferes with the child's ability to do necessary daily activities. Fluoride toothpaste, just a grain-sized smear, blocks cavities by helping remineralizing areas of teeth that are ridden with bacterial acids.

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